Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend & 24 Weeks!

So I have fallen down on my job as a 5 day a week blogger! Life has just been so much fun and work was crazy busy on Friday with only working a partial day - then off to the lake we went for extra special long holiday weekend with family - so sorry, there was just no time for blogging. Our weekend was extra special at the Lake - What made it so extra special was that my grandmother was here and she turns 80 tomorrow! We celebrated her big day early, with a low country boil with about 3o family friends - although it rained, we all had a blast!
Cory was our cook - and it was so yummy!!

We spent the rest of the weekend at the pool, in the lake, and just enjoying lots of family fun time.

Hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day! We sure did! Thank you for all of the men and women and out there who have served our country!

On a different note - We are 24 weeks closer to meeting James Bradford - Only 16 more weeks to go!! He has gained 4 ounces since last week and now weighs over a pound and is the length of an ear of corn! The best part about this mile marker, is that yesterday, Cory saw and felt him move. I was so glad he could finally feel this miraculous life! It's all so real - he is going to be here soon. Time to get the nursery ready! Yippee!!

1 comment:

  1. Yippee! I'm so glad that Cory finally got to feel little James Bradford! We had a really fun weekend with ya'll! Yeah for family time and holidays!
