Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 20, 2010

36 Week Appointment

Just wanted to give an update from my 36 week appointment this morning. (although, I'm not officially 36 weeks until Monday). I was really excited about going and to see how James Bradford has progressed.
I am 50% effaced and almost 1cm dilated. And measuring 38 weeks. She said he is still high. I mentioned that we were heading to Nashville in the morning for a baby shower. Oh - I don't think she was to happy! Opps, but I didn't realize that they preferred you not travel after 34 weeks! But she said it would be ok, if it was a short trip, because I haven't been having any contractions.
She asked me how much I weighed when I was born. I told her 6 lbs something (I couldn't remember my exact weight), but I was born at 36.5 weeks. She said, "Well I think your going to have a big baby, maybe he will be born at 36 weeks!" I said, "I hope not, that's on Monday!" and she said "well hopefully he will stay in a little longer then."
So we'll see what happens. All I know is that he will be here in the next 4.5 weeks! Loving the poll responses - thanks for participating!!! Have a great weekend!!

(Oh - and sorry for the lack of Fabulous Friday Finds - I need to get out there and find some!)


  1. HOLY MOLY! He'll be here ANY day now! I'm SOO excited!

  2. Wow! Can't wait to hear about James Bradford's arrival. I was going to give you our unused newborn-size diapers, but they probably won't work for y'all either- James Bradford will need to go straight to size 1!
