This past week was transition week ( and we are continuing this week ). James Bradford now rides in a big boy car-seat, takes naps in his cribs and is learning to us a Sippy cup. You will never guess which one has been the hardest - the Sippy cup! That takes some getting used to - he just plays with it right now - he doesn't actually drink from it right now.

He loves his big boy car-seat!! He looks so cute in it!

He has adjusted great to sleeping in his crib. (although we are still working on fine tuning his schedule and getting him to sleep longer). When I put him in the crib for nap-time - he screams but know when I shut the door, he calms down immediately and just plays until he eventually just lays down and goes to sleep.
Tomorrow is day 9 of sleep training - we are struggling moving from 3 naps to 2, it's a hard transition. So we may go back to 3 naps and try again for 2 in a few weeks.
This is a video I took today after putting him down for his afternoon nap. I cracked the door. He whines and plays and just lays down to go night night!
I can't believe it's already time to do these things!! James Bradford is becoming such a big boy so fast!!
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