Well the time has come - after much discussion we have decided that it's best for James Bradford and our family for me to resign from my job and to be a stay at home mom. I told the office about a month ago and I am quickly approaching my last day of work - next Monday.
Yesterday I began cleaning out my desk. Its a amazing how much stuff I accumulated in my desk over the past 7.5 years!
Just for my amusement I decided to document some (just a few) of the things I found:

- 2005 Planner (this was the year Cory and I began dating) - It was fun to look through - Every weekend he was here in Birmingham or I was up in Nashville!

- Photo CDs - including pictures from college - the days of partying and staying out late and taking your camera to every bar and party - so glad facebook wasn't around then! (when we all thought we were invisible!)

-Wedding Program for Jeff & Emily Jensens wedding - along with the note that was attached to our welcome bag at the hotel (I'm not techy - I cant figure out how to get this picture going the correct way - yes I know, hit the rotate button - it is saved correctly on the computer!)

-Check registers dating back to April 2005 (prob when i started actually keeping track! haha!)

- Flash Cards - that I made when I was studying for the GMAT (which I never took!)

- An old pill bottle from 2004 - when a coworker and I thought it would be great to try weight loss pills bought off the Internet. Until "pharmacies" kept calling our office to refill the prescription!! - Not a good idea at all!!
And lots of other things - pay stubs dated all the way back to when I first started here, bills that I had payed, tax records, old notary stamp with my maiden name - and all sorts of other things that were disposed of in the shred barrel at our office.
It was actually really fun going through a drawer filled with 7.5 years of my life in it!
So excited for you that you get to be a stay at home momma to James Bradford! That is great!