Happy Mother's Day!! Hope all of you had a great one! I am so blessed - I think about all the wonderful women in my life that have been role models and examples. I also think of dear friends who will be fabulous mothers and are just waiting for it to happen in God's perfect timing - and pray the Lord will one day bless them with Children, as I have been blessed. I am so thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends. Thank you!!
Last week I received an early Mother's Day gift. James Bradford brought me home a package from mothers day out, and my husband surprised me with some beautiful flowers.
Isn't that the cutest?! - its a tile with James Bradford's footprint and initials on it - with a pretty ribbon to hang it with. I love it!! And the ribbon even matches his room. Props to the women at Mother's Day out. It was the best present ever! And Cory did a fabulous job with the flowers!
Yesterday we spent the morning with my family which includes my two favorite mommies - My mom and my sister. They have been fabulous role models to me on how to be a Christian, nurturing, wonderful mother. They have been so supportive in my raising of James Bradford. (Its amazing how people - women of all ages - will come out and tell you that they don't agree with what your doing or that they know a better way! - Seriously?!) Anyways, Ellen is my go to girl - she knows it all - about feeding, sleep, play - everything! I love schedule and her boys are on a great one, so I try to mirror her - I'm a copy cat!! I am so thankful for Mom and Ellen's support and for them being so loving during this first year of motherhood for me! I pray that I will be able be as good at mothering my children as they have been.

Our family (missed you sweet Laura!) all went to the early service at church and went back to my parents house for brunch. It was such a nice morning. James Bradford loved getting to spend time with Davis and Isaac. They are all so cute playing together.
Davis loves to help feed James Bradford

James Bradford loved playing with Davis & Isaac!
That afternoon, after James Bradford woke up from his nap, I spent time with my 2 babies (can't forget Sabrina!) James Bradford, Sabrina and I went for a long walk. It was gorgeous out and it was such a perfect way to spend my Mother's Day afternoon.

It was a great first Mother's Day! Hope you had a great one too!

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