James Bradford is officially on the move. For the past several days he has moving little by little. Sunday & Monday - he just took off!! It's time to baby proof!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Transition Time!!
This past week was my first official full week as a stay at home! It's been great - I love it! Several people have asked if I regret leaving - no regrets here!! I love spending every minute of my day with my sweet boy!
This past week was transition week ( and we are continuing this week ). James Bradford now rides in a big boy car-seat, takes naps in his cribs and is learning to us a Sippy cup. You will never guess which one has been the hardest - the Sippy cup! That takes some getting used to - he just plays with it right now - he doesn't actually drink from it right now.
He loves his big boy car-seat!! He looks so cute in it!
He has adjusted great to sleeping in his crib. (although we are still working on fine tuning his schedule and getting him to sleep longer). When I put him in the crib for nap-time - he screams but know when I shut the door, he calms down immediately and just plays until he eventually just lays down and goes to sleep.
Tomorrow is day 9 of sleep training - we are struggling moving from 3 naps to 2, it's a hard transition. So we may go back to 3 naps and try again for 2 in a few weeks.
This is a video I took today after putting him down for his afternoon nap. I cracked the door. He whines and plays and just lays down to go night night!
I can't believe it's already time to do these things!! James Bradford is becoming such a big boy so fast!!
This past week was transition week ( and we are continuing this week ). James Bradford now rides in a big boy car-seat, takes naps in his cribs and is learning to us a Sippy cup. You will never guess which one has been the hardest - the Sippy cup! That takes some getting used to - he just plays with it right now - he doesn't actually drink from it right now.

He loves his big boy car-seat!! He looks so cute in it!

He has adjusted great to sleeping in his crib. (although we are still working on fine tuning his schedule and getting him to sleep longer). When I put him in the crib for nap-time - he screams but know when I shut the door, he calms down immediately and just plays until he eventually just lays down and goes to sleep.
Tomorrow is day 9 of sleep training - we are struggling moving from 3 naps to 2, it's a hard transition. So we may go back to 3 naps and try again for 2 in a few weeks.
This is a video I took today after putting him down for his afternoon nap. I cracked the door. He whines and plays and just lays down to go night night!
I can't believe it's already time to do these things!! James Bradford is becoming such a big boy so fast!!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Family Getaway!

So this past weekend we loaded up and traveled south to my parents home on beautiful Lake Martin.
The house is currently up for sale :( , so we decided to stay in the guest house - making less clean up for us in the long run. It was perfect! We set James Bradford's pack n play up in the bathroom and he slept in there and we stayed up and watched movies.
We all had so much fun - Sabrina and Rosie included!! (the girls aka dogs). James Bradford was such a good and happy boy. - we wore him out with all the fresh air! And he is a water baby - he loved it! Although the boat took some getting used to with the life jacket. But he was fine - he even fell asleep on the boat!
It was a perfect family getaway!! R&R is what we went for and R&R is what we got!!

PS - There was one dissapointing thing about the weekend - the destruction from the storms a few weeks ago. It was so sad to see all the homes and natural habitat destroyed. Driving into the neighborhood and boating on the lake - I am reminded that while we are out having fun, there are others still piecing together their lives. Please continue to lift Alabama up in your prayers.

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Career Closed
Monday was my last day of work! I am so thankful for my job and it was bittersweet to leave.
I began working at Baxley Dillard Dauphin McKnight and James 7.5 years ago.(well actually it was Baxley Dillard Dauphin McKnight & Barclift then!)
The job came out of nowhere and I am very thankful for that! The week before I was to graduate, a college friend of mine called me up and asked if I was still looking for a job - And I was. He was a runner at a law firm and their receptionist was leaving. He said if I was interested, the job was mine. Of course I was interested - I was about to graduate college and had no idea what I was going to do. He asked if I could come to the office and meet the office manager. I went in and I met my boss, Sara Jane. We talked some and then she asked - "When can you start?" I responded - "I graduate Saturday, so whenever you need me." - She replied - "Can you start Monday?!" - And that's when it all began! - I started the Monday after I graduated from Samford. I told them, I would only be there a few short months until I figured out what to do with my life. They just asked that I stay at least 3 months. Hmm - how about 7.5 years!! HA! I had no reason to ever leave - they treated me so well, everyday was casual Friday (if I wanted!), off days/vacations days weren't counted - just as long as we didn't take advantage of it, working after 5pm and weekends was never anything I had to do and when not feeling well - it was never a big deal to leave or even go lay down! They took care of me and put up with me through the singles scene, to the dating scene, to getting married, having a baby, and even a broken leg! All the support and love they have given over the years has been incredible. I was truly blessed to have worked for them. I learned a lot working there - a lot about law, politics, every day office tasks and even how to deal with crazy callers! Maybe all these days of answering phones and talking to people on the phone is the reason I'm really not into talking on the phone a lot!
Monday may of been my last day, but it's not the last of my relationship with the office. They are going to call me if they ever need someone to fill in (as they do not plan on filling my position right now) and I plan on staying in touch. Although, Monday was it - James Bradford and I were back in the office on Tuesday. They had a special lunch for me. And it was so much fun to bring James Bradford. And I didn't even have to answer the phone while I ate! HAHA! Everyone was extremely supportive of my decision to stay at home with James Bradford. Although, every one said they were sad to see me go, everyone was happy to know that I will be spending my time at home with James Bradford.
Tuesday there were no goodbyes - just hugs and knowing that I will see everyone soon.
Monday, May 16, 2011
James Bradford is 8 Months!
I know, every month I say it - where does the time go? And its flying by oh so fast! But it really is!!
Saturday was a fun day. We had a great day! James Bradford and I got up, went for a wagon walk (he loves his wagon) and then went to Target. After his morning nap, we went to lunch with Daddy and walked around the Summit. Then after his afternoon nap, we all went to the park! It was such a fun and happy day!
6:45am - Good Morning/bottle
7:45/8am - Breakfast
10am - Nap
11:30/12 - awake/bottle
12:30 - Lunch
2:30 - Nap
3:30/4pm - awake/bottle
5:30 - Dinner
6:30 - Bath
6:45 - Bedtime Routine / Bottle
7:00 - Good Night!
Next week - I am training him to take his naps in the crib! (He sleeps great in there at night, but likes to sleep in his car seat during naps - I know, I'm an awful mom for letting him - but it was the easiest way for me to get him to take his naps when I had my broken leg, and now that I will be home and we will have a more consistent routine/schedule it will be much easier to train him) He will also be moving into his big boy car seat! - He is just getting to big for the infant carrier.
James Bradford continues to be a superstar sleeper. He goes down so easy now! After his bottle we just cuddle and rock for a few minutes and then I put him in the crib - sometimes awake, sometimes asleep and he is just happy and shortly after being put in, just goes to sleep. And I don't hear from him until morning!
James Bradford's weight is beginning to taper. He currently is in the 22lb range. He is getting longer, and actually thinning out some now that he is on the move. He wears size 12 month clothes (but 9 month footie pjs!) and wears size 3 diapers.
He loves to jump - He loves the jumper, and sometimes he even jumps in his exersaucer (and in your lap if you let him!) He is wanting to crawl so bad! It won't be to much longer until he takes off. Any day now!
He loves dogs!! Sabrina, Rosie (my parent's dog) and Sadie (David & Laura's Dog) are his best buddies. They sit by him when he plays - and loves to give him kisses. Sabrina also sits under the high chair, with high hopes of him dropping something - although right now all he drops is occasionally a puff or two. Sometimes Sabrina just waits for him to wake up, so they can play -
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
On The Move. . . Well Almost
James Bradford is going to crawl any day now. He gets up on all fours and goes back and forth. We are just waiting for him to take off. (well, actually I don't want him to crawl yet, I want him to stay my baby forever!) But- It will be so much fun when he does start crawling though!!
He has figured out how to move backwards, but cant figure out how to go forward. Here he is playing on the floor. He was on the blanket (in the right hand corner) and scooted himself half way under the coffee table!!
And this morning on the monitor - he was up on all fours! (do you think he knows I am watching him?!) Can't go far in the crib though!!
The frustration of not being able mobile, is about to subside!
The frustration of not being able mobile, is about to subside!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
7.5 years in a Desk Drawer!
Well the time has come - after much discussion we have decided that it's best for James Bradford and our family for me to resign from my job and to be a stay at home mom. I told the office about a month ago and I am quickly approaching my last day of work - next Monday.
Yesterday I began cleaning out my desk. Its a amazing how much stuff I accumulated in my desk over the past 7.5 years!
Just for my amusement I decided to document some (just a few) of the things I found:
- 2005 Planner (this was the year Cory and I began dating) - It was fun to look through - Every weekend he was here in Birmingham or I was up in Nashville!
- Photo CDs - including pictures from college - the days of partying and staying out late and taking your camera to every bar and party - so glad facebook wasn't around then! (when we all thought we were invisible!)
-Wedding Program for Jeff & Emily Jensens wedding - along with the note that was attached to our welcome bag at the hotel (I'm not techy - I cant figure out how to get this picture going the correct way - yes I know, hit the rotate button - it is saved correctly on the computer!)

- Flash Cards - that I made when I was studying for the GMAT (which I never took!)

Yesterday I began cleaning out my desk. Its a amazing how much stuff I accumulated in my desk over the past 7.5 years!
Just for my amusement I decided to document some (just a few) of the things I found:
-Check registers dating back to April 2005 (prob when i started actually keeping track! haha!)
- An old pill bottle from 2004 - when a coworker and I thought it would be great to try weight loss pills bought off the Internet. Until "pharmacies" kept calling our office to refill the prescription!! - Not a good idea at all!!
And lots of other things - pay stubs dated all the way back to when I first started here, bills that I had payed, tax records, old notary stamp with my maiden name - and all sorts of other things that were disposed of in the shred barrel at our office.
It was actually really fun going through a drawer filled with 7.5 years of my life in it!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day!! Hope all of you had a great one! I am so blessed - I think about all the wonderful women in my life that have been role models and examples. I also think of dear friends who will be fabulous mothers and are just waiting for it to happen in God's perfect timing - and pray the Lord will one day bless them with Children, as I have been blessed. I am so thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends. Thank you!!
Last week I received an early Mother's Day gift. James Bradford brought me home a package from mothers day out, and my husband surprised me with some beautiful flowers.
Isn't that the cutest?! - its a tile with James Bradford's footprint and initials on it - with a pretty ribbon to hang it with. I love it!! And the ribbon even matches his room. Props to the women at Mother's Day out. It was the best present ever! And Cory did a fabulous job with the flowers!
Yesterday we spent the morning with my family which includes my two favorite mommies - My mom and my sister. They have been fabulous role models to me on how to be a Christian, nurturing, wonderful mother. They have been so supportive in my raising of James Bradford. (Its amazing how people - women of all ages - will come out and tell you that they don't agree with what your doing or that they know a better way! - Seriously?!) Anyways, Ellen is my go to girl - she knows it all - about feeding, sleep, play - everything! I love schedule and her boys are on a great one, so I try to mirror her - I'm a copy cat!! I am so thankful for Mom and Ellen's support and for them being so loving during this first year of motherhood for me! I pray that I will be able be as good at mothering my children as they have been.

Our family (missed you sweet Laura!) all went to the early service at church and went back to my parents house for brunch. It was such a nice morning. James Bradford loved getting to spend time with Davis and Isaac. They are all so cute playing together.
Davis loves to help feed James Bradford

James Bradford loved playing with Davis & Isaac!
That afternoon, after James Bradford woke up from his nap, I spent time with my 2 babies (can't forget Sabrina!) James Bradford, Sabrina and I went for a long walk. It was gorgeous out and it was such a perfect way to spend my Mother's Day afternoon.

It was a great first Mother's Day! Hope you had a great one too!

Friday, May 6, 2011
Hard Days Work!
Yesterday morning, James Bradford and I dropped by Aunt Emily's office for a little visit. We had so much fun - and James Bradford worked very hard. Here is a recap of his schedule (from his point of view):
As Uncle Jeff says "Its never to early to teach the powers of compounding interest!"
Thanks Aunt Emily for letting us visit you at work! We had so much fun! I cant wait to come back to and work with you and all your employees again!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Weathering the Storm
"And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm"
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm"
- Casting Crowns, Praise You in this Storm Chorus
Last Wednesday morning - I was awoken at 5:51am by my cell phone ringing. I rolled over in bed and saw it was my parents phone number. Immediately my heart raced thinking something was wrong. Luckily, it was just my mom calling to tell me there was bad weather (it was just the weather - little did I know what was happening) and that I needed to turn on the TV. After hanging up, the power went out and I heard the tornado sirens going off. I woke up Cory and got James Bradford. Cory took his pillow and went to sleep in the hallway, while James Bradford and I went downstairs in the half bath and waited for the storm to pass.
I honestly have never been scared of storms. Wasn't really scared of this one. Just thought I needed to take extra precaution because I am not only responsible for my own life now, but for James Bradford's also.
As we sat in the bathroom, James Bradford took his bottle and then we read a couple books. Mom called several minutes later to say the warning was over.
We went about our normal morning routine (although earlier then normal) getting ready for me to head to work and to take James Bradford to Mother's Day Out.
Come to find out - I hear from one of my coworkers that lives about a mile away - all the roads in Cahaba Heights were closed because of the destruction. So I call into work and let them know I won't be making it in.
We had no clue how much destruction had happened until Cory and I got out later that morning. Homes and vehicles not even a mile from our house were completely destroyed. Power lines down everywhere. Our little neighborhood with so much damage - my heart aching for those people who lost so much. And the worst wasn't even yet to come. The forecast was calling for more Tornadoes Wednesday evening. People were scurrying around - trying to cover their roofs with tarps and get trees that had fallen off their homes before the next round of storms were to come through. A helicopter had to make an emergency landing in the Winn Dixie parking lot (less then a half mile from our home) because a man had cut himself with a chainsaw and emergency vehicles couldn't get in and out.
Cory and I got out all of our candles and our weather radio and prepared for the storm. About 5pm - James Bradford and I got into our "safe place" - that hall bathroom again. (you know you need a bigger home when your safe place can barely fit one adult and one infant!) With books, bottles, diapers - everything we would need if something were to happen. - I was taking this one seriously after seeing all the destruction in our community. We listened to the radio as it hit other towns and cities in Alabama. We were finally safe to get out - of course still no power. Because of not having power we only had the radio to hear about the destruction that had taken place all over precious state. Our cell service was spotty so we couldn't call anyone or really get Internet service.
People lost everything - vehicles, pets, homes and even loved ones. My heart ached as I heard people calling in on the radio telling what had happened. Then on Friday - I went to work (the office had power, although still no power at home) and was able to see all the destruction on the Internet. Pictures of Pleasant Grove, Pratt City and Tuscaloosa -the home of the University of Alabama. My heart was broken - I can't even begin to imagine the pain that these people were going through. And us even knowing people who's homes were destroyed and or knew someone that didn't survive the storm.
I felt helpless (and still feel that way) - we had to do something. Luckily our church has organized "Covenant Cares" - organizing groups to go out and help those who have been effected by the storm. With my leg, I didn't think it would be wise of me to go and work outside - but there was another way I could serve by helping make lunches for those people who were being housed in Boutwell Auditorium. So we made over 1,ooo lunches Saturday morning. It was so great being with other women in the church - all coming together to help. While I was there, Cory was out helping clear yards in a neighborhood in Cahaba Heights, where one of our friend's family lives. It made me feel better to get out there and help. Although there is still so much to still be done. I hope there will be another opportunity in the near future for us to help and give back to our community.
How blessed are we - not even a mile from major destruction, we are untouched and lost nothing. James Bradford and I, during our bedtime prayer, now include thanking the Lord nightly for our safety and protection that he gave us and also pray for those affected - that he would bring them comfort and peace. Please lift up our community and state in prayer. As the healing process for our state is going to take time.
Thank you Lord for watching over our family and providing us with a roof over our head. 107 hours (Cory calculated it) without power - I consider our family lucky and blessed.
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