Although there was no certificate - It was a great class and we learned a lot. I highly recommend this class for anyone taking care of a child or just wanting to learn CPR. We learned both CPR and the Heimlich for an infant, child & adult. (I hadn't had CPR since Health class in 10th grade - so it was good to brush up on my skills!) We got to practice on these really cool manikins - Just like these:

They were really neat - their chests even moved up and down while performing CPR. I don't think the manikins were this advanced in my health class 12 years ago!!
We really enjoyed the class and definitely feel more confident that we would be able to help James Bradford or anyone else in an emergency situation.
On another note, I have perfected the art of sleeping. Only problem is that it takes Tylenol pm and I don't like the way it makes me feel the next day and that James Bradford doesn't become active until the following afternoon. So I try not to take it unless I am just completely exhausted and can't go on without it! - So I have been saving it for mostly just weekends when I know I can rest and not have to worry about how I feel at work.
Anyways, this morning came bright and early. I woke up at 3:30am - Of course I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up. (I'm sure Sabrina thinks I'm crazy when I arise at these odd hours! - she usually lays in her bed and rests her head on one of her stuffed animals and stares at me!) So what did I do at 3:30am?! - I had an extremely productive morning. I washed the rest of James Bradford's clothes, sheets and my clothes for the hospital and then I put together these:

The Space Saver High Chair (tilts back for an infant so James Bradford can sit with us at the table when we have dinner - eating dinner at the table is going to be made a priority after he arrives - no longer will we have TV dinners every night!) We had several people recommend this to us, and its going to be so great in our little home.

And the My Little Lamb Infant Swing - Another highly recommended product by friends. - Aren't the lamb ears adorable?! Both of these were gifts that I know that we are going to get so much great use out of them and that James Bradford is going to love them.
So, even though I may be exhausted today - I feel so much better that we now have EVERYTHING put together and ready for James Bradford to use!
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