Today I am officially 36 weeks pregnant! Woohoo! I have to admit, this pregnancy has flown by. When we found out January 4th that we would be expecting on September 20th - wow! - that felt forever away. And our Dr. even told us it would prob. be a long pregnancy because we found out so early!
BabyCenter's update for the 36 weeks says that he should weigh approximately 6 lbs (size of a crenshaw melon) and is 18.5 inches long! At the end of this week, he will be considered full term. Whoohoo! We go for our 37 week appointment on Thursday. Can't wait to see if there has been an progression since Friday!
I am feeling pretty good. But I still feel like there is so much to do before James Bradford arrives. The nursery is just about ready - just have to hang my window treatment and get a few more decorative things for the walls. Nothing that is an absolute has to be done though. I am continuing to wash all of his little clothes. He has more clothes then I do, and is definitely more fashionable!
This past weekend I had ANOTHER baby shower. YES, another! This was number 4! We have been so blessed and everyone has been so extremely generous.
This shower was in Nashville and hosted by my sister in law, Megan and my mother in law. It was wonderful and we all had a great time.
BabyCenter's update for the 36 weeks says that he should weigh approximately 6 lbs (size of a crenshaw melon) and is 18.5 inches long! At the end of this week, he will be considered full term. Whoohoo! We go for our 37 week appointment on Thursday. Can't wait to see if there has been an progression since Friday!
I am feeling pretty good. But I still feel like there is so much to do before James Bradford arrives. The nursery is just about ready - just have to hang my window treatment and get a few more decorative things for the walls. Nothing that is an absolute has to be done though. I am continuing to wash all of his little clothes. He has more clothes then I do, and is definitely more fashionable!
This past weekend I had ANOTHER baby shower. YES, another! This was number 4! We have been so blessed and everyone has been so extremely generous.
This shower was in Nashville and hosted by my sister in law, Megan and my mother in law. It was wonderful and we all had a great time.

The decorations were adorable. Megan's sister is studying to be a graphic designer. She designed these precious elephants and sign and also the invitations. She is great at what she does!

And the food was fabulous - check out this awesome strawberry cake Megan made - it was amazing!! And all the special touches - every Bama baby has got to be surrounded by cute elephants!!

I had the cutest helper to assist me with opening gifts. Thanks for all your help Trevor!!

Our sweet friend, Kim and her son (Cory's Godson) came all the way from South Carolina. It was so much fun to see them!

Thanks for making that long trip, Kim & Aiden. It was so special to have you there!
We had so much fun. We played several games. One of the games was a name that baby game. The guests were divided up in teams and everyone was shown a picture of a baby. The teams would pick a name for each baby, and from their answers, I would have to choose the name I would choose for that particular baby. The last baby that was shown Cory had seen it and had been asked what he would name it. Guess what he chose?! "Jamal Lee Hall" Are you kidding me, can you see me with a Jamal?! Nothing wrong with the name, but from James Bradford to Jamal Lee - doesn't really sound like something we would choose! HA! Made for some good laughs!

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