I apologize for not updating yall on my 37 week appointment last week. It was so disappointing and felt almost like a waste of time. I was on my last Dr. rotation and so he didn't give me an internal exam to see if i had progressed any. They said that my regular Dr. would do one this week at my 38 week appt. So we just have to wait and see. (Going by the poll, we have 5 votes for this week!) The good thing about our appt. last week was that we finished our hospital registration - so are all in the computer, and all we have to do is show up and have a baby! No forms, no papers!
Cory is heading out of town to Atlanta for work this week (I can say that, because this is a private blog, right?!) But he has a conference that he is unable to miss. He is fully accessible by blackberry and can be ready to jump in the car at any time!
People often ask doesn't it bother you that Cory travels out of town so much?! Right now I can say, it doesn't bother me at all (maybe it will change after baby though!) I keep busy while he is gone. Either enjoying time catching up with friends, running errands or working on a project. Here are two recent projects I have done over the past weeks while he has been out of town.

Projects may be few and far between after James Bradford comes. But I'm glad that I got these 2 done before he arrives!
Wow Annie! They both look FABULOUS!! Great job..now hurry and have him so we can see him in all of these cute things!