Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monograms, Appliques & More
Anyways - I wanted to pass on some great websites for purchasing monogrammed and appliqued items and gifts. I have some really great friends that are entrapenuers and I am so proud of them!!
1 - http://www.fivefrenchhens.com/ - My friend Emily has been sewing and monogramming for years. She recently just started an online store full of precious monogrammed and appliqued gifts. She does beautfiul work and has done numerous things for our family. Burp Clothes, Bibs, towels, blankets - she has it all! Plus great prices and fast turn around time - just order away and she has all the supplies. If you live in the Birmingham area, she will reimburse you for the shipping. Best of all - All items come wrapped in a cello bag with ribbon - perfect for gift giving and accepts PayPal as payment!
2 - www.sewmanydesigns.blogspot.com - If you are looking for someone in the Birmingham area to monogram or applique - check out my friend Lindsey's blog. She too does beautiful work and has done numerous things for our family. I have had her monogram hostess gifts, daygowns, and my mom has used her numerous times for appliqued shirts and burp clothes. She has lots of cute designs to choose from. She too has great prices.
3 - www.themonogramswap.com - Lauren, one of my friends from college, started this business awhile back. Its a great concept - you can sell your monogrammed items on there and/or purchase monogrammed items. It's sort of like ebay, without the bidding, but only for monogrammed items. This website has even been featured on some famous bloggers blogs - other then mine of course! Ha!
Monday, August 30, 2010
37 Weeks & Some Projects
I apologize for not updating yall on my 37 week appointment last week. It was so disappointing and felt almost like a waste of time. I was on my last Dr. rotation and so he didn't give me an internal exam to see if i had progressed any. They said that my regular Dr. would do one this week at my 38 week appt. So we just have to wait and see. (Going by the poll, we have 5 votes for this week!) The good thing about our appt. last week was that we finished our hospital registration - so are all in the computer, and all we have to do is show up and have a baby! No forms, no papers!
Cory is heading out of town to Atlanta for work this week (I can say that, because this is a private blog, right?!) But he has a conference that he is unable to miss. He is fully accessible by blackberry and can be ready to jump in the car at any time!
People often ask doesn't it bother you that Cory travels out of town so much?! Right now I can say, it doesn't bother me at all (maybe it will change after baby though!) I keep busy while he is gone. Either enjoying time catching up with friends, running errands or working on a project. Here are two recent projects I have done over the past weeks while he has been out of town.

Projects may be few and far between after James Bradford comes. But I'm glad that I got these 2 done before he arrives!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Another Class & Another Early Morning!
Although there was no certificate - It was a great class and we learned a lot. I highly recommend this class for anyone taking care of a child or just wanting to learn CPR. We learned both CPR and the Heimlich for an infant, child & adult. (I hadn't had CPR since Health class in 10th grade - so it was good to brush up on my skills!) We got to practice on these really cool manikins - Just like these:

They were really neat - their chests even moved up and down while performing CPR. I don't think the manikins were this advanced in my health class 12 years ago!!
We really enjoyed the class and definitely feel more confident that we would be able to help James Bradford or anyone else in an emergency situation.
On another note, I have perfected the art of sleeping. Only problem is that it takes Tylenol pm and I don't like the way it makes me feel the next day and that James Bradford doesn't become active until the following afternoon. So I try not to take it unless I am just completely exhausted and can't go on without it! - So I have been saving it for mostly just weekends when I know I can rest and not have to worry about how I feel at work.
Anyways, this morning came bright and early. I woke up at 3:30am - Of course I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up. (I'm sure Sabrina thinks I'm crazy when I arise at these odd hours! - she usually lays in her bed and rests her head on one of her stuffed animals and stares at me!) So what did I do at 3:30am?! - I had an extremely productive morning. I washed the rest of James Bradford's clothes, sheets and my clothes for the hospital and then I put together these:

The Space Saver High Chair (tilts back for an infant so James Bradford can sit with us at the table when we have dinner - eating dinner at the table is going to be made a priority after he arrives - no longer will we have TV dinners every night!) We had several people recommend this to us, and its going to be so great in our little home.

And the My Little Lamb Infant Swing - Another highly recommended product by friends. - Aren't the lamb ears adorable?! Both of these were gifts that I know that we are going to get so much great use out of them and that James Bradford is going to love them.
So, even though I may be exhausted today - I feel so much better that we now have EVERYTHING put together and ready for James Bradford to use!
Monday, August 23, 2010
36 weeks & Showered Once More!!
BabyCenter's update for the 36 weeks says that he should weigh approximately 6 lbs (size of a crenshaw melon) and is 18.5 inches long! At the end of this week, he will be considered full term. Whoohoo! We go for our 37 week appointment on Thursday. Can't wait to see if there has been an progression since Friday!
I am feeling pretty good. But I still feel like there is so much to do before James Bradford arrives. The nursery is just about ready - just have to hang my window treatment and get a few more decorative things for the walls. Nothing that is an absolute has to be done though. I am continuing to wash all of his little clothes. He has more clothes then I do, and is definitely more fashionable!
This past weekend I had ANOTHER baby shower. YES, another! This was number 4! We have been so blessed and everyone has been so extremely generous.
This shower was in Nashville and hosted by my sister in law, Megan and my mother in law. It was wonderful and we all had a great time.

The decorations were adorable. Megan's sister is studying to be a graphic designer. She designed these precious elephants and sign and also the invitations. She is great at what she does!

And the food was fabulous - check out this awesome strawberry cake Megan made - it was amazing!! And all the special touches - every Bama baby has got to be surrounded by cute elephants!!

I had the cutest helper to assist me with opening gifts. Thanks for all your help Trevor!!

Our sweet friend, Kim and her son (Cory's Godson) came all the way from South Carolina. It was so much fun to see them!

Thanks for making that long trip, Kim & Aiden. It was so special to have you there!
We had so much fun. We played several games. One of the games was a name that baby game. The guests were divided up in teams and everyone was shown a picture of a baby. The teams would pick a name for each baby, and from their answers, I would have to choose the name I would choose for that particular baby. The last baby that was shown Cory had seen it and had been asked what he would name it. Guess what he chose?! "Jamal Lee Hall" Are you kidding me, can you see me with a Jamal?! Nothing wrong with the name, but from James Bradford to Jamal Lee - doesn't really sound like something we would choose! HA! Made for some good laughs!

Friday, August 20, 2010
36 Week Appointment
I am 50% effaced and almost 1cm dilated. And measuring 38 weeks. She said he is still high. I mentioned that we were heading to Nashville in the morning for a baby shower. Oh - I don't think she was to happy! Opps, but I didn't realize that they preferred you not travel after 34 weeks! But she said it would be ok, if it was a short trip, because I haven't been having any contractions.
She asked me how much I weighed when I was born. I told her 6 lbs something (I couldn't remember my exact weight), but I was born at 36.5 weeks. She said, "Well I think your going to have a big baby, maybe he will be born at 36 weeks!" I said, "I hope not, that's on Monday!" and she said "well hopefully he will stay in a little longer then."
So we'll see what happens. All I know is that he will be here in the next 4.5 weeks! Loving the poll responses - thanks for participating!!! Have a great weekend!!
(Oh - and sorry for the lack of Fabulous Friday Finds - I need to get out there and find some!)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Setting the Bar . . .
Now, It does come on past my bedtime though, but the DVR records it each week. Yesterday when I woke up at 3:30am - I decided that was one of the things I would watch.
On Tuesday's new episode, Gary set the bar for James Bradford's first Easter!
(Sorry, I wish I knew how to edit it to make it shorter) Yes! He dressed up like the Easter Bunny!! Now I just need to find a suit like this for Cory! (Oh - and Cory will be much cuter and much more attentive and a way better dancing bunny!)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
When will he get here?!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
1 more year . . .
Yesterday was a great day! Of course I had to work, but I took a long lunch hour (well 2.5 hours to be exact -oops!) and mom took me to lunch and we went shopping. We had such a fun time. We were on the hunt of some cute hospital pajamas. Mission accomplished!
That afternoon I came home to find that my husband had been slaving in the house! - Laundry done, fresh linens on the bed (if you have a dog that sheds and that likes to get in the bed - you know how wonderful that is!), hall closet cleaned out and organized with all of our diapers in it, and he even cleaned out under the bathroom sink - making room for all of James Bradford's bathroom essentials! What a wonderful gift of love!
And he had already given me a gift:
A 50mm lens for my camera. I was totally pumped! By several recommendations from friends, who I admire their photography, I had told Cory that this would be a good investment for when the baby comes. And much to my surprise - he got me one! Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to play with it yet. But I cant wait to have some fun with it and take some pictures. (if anyone has any tips on using this lens, let me know!)
To conclude my special day, Cory & I celebrated by going to dinner. We dined at a newer restaurant here in town called Zea Rotisserie Grill. And even better - we had a buy one get one free coupon! It was fantastic! Cory had the duck and I had the salmon. Cory said that it was his new favorite restaurant. Highly recommend it! Then we headed over to Mtn Brook Creamery for Ice Cream (had another BOGO coupon! - we love our coupons!). It was the perfect ending to the perfect day!
Here's to living it up, the last year of my 20's!! I already know it's going to be a great year!
Monday, August 16, 2010
35 weeks & Showered Again!
Beautiful table, including my favorite cake from Olexa's and delicious cookies from Icing on the Cookie - YUM!
Look at those cute napkins - "Welcome James Bradford!"
My sweet and beautiful hostesses. Katie, Sarah, Lisa, Leslie Emily & Beth. Thank yall so much!
The Grinnell Girls!
Nanna & DeDe - we missed you Megan! Look forward to seeing you this weekend!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
"I love it when we're cruisin' together . . ."
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Next best thing to moving . . .
Monday, August 9, 2010
34 Weeks and VHHS Class of 2000 Reunion!

This past Saturday was my 10 year high school reunion! Hard to believe it has been 10years!! I loved High School - Especially, my senior year! So I have been anticipating our reunion for 10 years now! Hard to believe the night has come and gone.

When we arrived at the Museum of Art, I don't know why, but I was actually a little nervous - WHY?! Who knows! We walked in and this is what we received:

And walking into a room of everyone you recognize - all nervousness disappeared!

Friday, August 6, 2010
Fabulous Friday Finds - Toy Chest
Happy Fabulous Friday!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Boys Weekend v Girls Weekend

Ellen spent the night with me Friday night and it was so much fun staying up late and having girl / baby talk. She even helped me do some of James Bradford's laundry and helped me get organized! It was so nice to get to spend that one on one time with her.
Saturday morning we woke up early and hit up some garage sales. We bought a few things - but the most fun part was going to our old neighborhood and bumping into some of our old neighbors and friends and doing some catching up. After some early morning garage saling we headed over to Another Broken Egg Cafe for brunch - delicious! It was all such a fun special time with the Grinnell girls. Thank you Mommy!!
The rest of my weekend consisted of more girl stuff: Baby shower for a dear friend and then hours and hours of sewing projects with another friend and her niece. What a fun girl weekend!!
The boys arrived home early Sunday evening. Red faced and tired. Fun was had by all this weekend!
Monday, August 2, 2010
33 weeks & Showered Again!
I think I may of reached my nesting stage! I have been cleaning and washing all of James Bradford's clothes and just trying to get everything ready for his arrival. We are making progress though. His changing table /dresser and closet, are filled with cute clean clothes. And his bouncy seat, car seat and stroller are all put together - ready for his arrival! His diaper bag is all packed and ready for the hospital. Now if only Mom and Dad could get their bag together and ready!!
Yesterday we were very blessed to be showered by our Sunday School class. Another girl in our class and I were honored at a Diapers & Wipes shower hosted by the women of our class. It was such a sweet and special time - Great food and Great fellowship! And we spent time praying for the babies and for us mamas to be. All the prayers mean so much to our little growing family. It was so much fun! And check out all the loot:
We are stocked for awhile! Thank you Cornerstone Ladies!!!