Over the past few days James Bradford has had 2 special play dates - both with boys named James!
Saturday morning we met my friend Sara and her son James (who is 1 week older) at the Park. We set up blankets and put the boys in their bumbo seats and surrounded them with toys. It was such a pretty day - good thing Sara brought the 60 sunscreen!! The boys had a ball playing and James Bradford loved playing with all of James's toys.

Yesterday morning I met my sweet friend Kay at her mom's house. She and her son James (who is 2 weeks older) were in town for a few days from Atlanta. We laid out blankets on the floor and the boys loved looking at each other and even touching each others hands. It was so sweet!! It was so fun watching them interact and getting to see Kay and her sweet family. Its always a treat to see her and her mom and now her sweet baby James.
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