It is so hard to believe that he is already 6 months old. He is at such a fun stage and age. I just love spending time with him. He has such a cute personality!
Things that I want to remember:
- He loves to smile and laugh - last night he laughed so hard every time Cory or I would say the word 'sneeze'
- He is now eating food!! So far we have introduced rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peas, apples, and bananas. Surprisingly he loves everything but the bananas!! I'm going to try the bananas again in a few weeks.
- He is sleeping through the night - FABULOUSLY!! He goes down around 7pm and wakes up around 6:30/6:45. Cory says he has the Grinnell morning gene. He wakes up smiling and happy. I usually let him just talk and play in his crib until 7 and when I go in there, he is as happy as can be!
- He is rolling over! He has rolled several times from tummy to back. Although he refuses to perform - even for his daddy. And several times he has rolled from his back to tummy while he is sleeping. (which then he doesn't wake up happy!)
- He LOVES his exaursaucer. He loves to play in it.
- He has 2 bottom teeth coming in!!
- He loves books. Each night before bed we read 3 books - one story from the children's Bible, random book, and we always end with Goodnight Moon. I love that he loves for me to read to him.
- He loves Sabrina! - he loves it when he is playing in his exarsaucer and she comes over and gives him big kisses. He grins from ear to ear.
Last week I took him to get his 6 month picture made. He was such a good boy. I have to brad - the photographer said he was the easiest and happiest 6 month old that he had ever photographed. He then proceeded to offer me a job - prob because of all the singing, sounds, and silly faces I was making to try to get JBH to smile. I loved the result of his pictures. This was may favorite.
Here is another cute shot!
In other news, I started back to work today. After being out on medical leave for 12 weeks, it was extremely hard leaving James Bradford this morning with his Grandma (its Spring Break at Mothers Day Out). I don't see how people do it everyday. Drop them off early morning and then pick them up to put them to bed) Working Moms - I admire you. Stay at Home moms - I admire you too! Staying home is Hard!! I hope and pray that it will work out for me one day to stay home with my baby.
It was nice seeing everyone back at work today. Everyone was glad to see me and I was glad to see them. And of course everyone wanted to see my war wound - there was a lot of scar showing off today! Overall its been a good day back, although I missed my 6 month old baby very much!
Happy Half Bday James Bradford! I love you so much!! and these pictures are ADORABLE! I hope Aunt Ellen gets to have one for her mantle. :)