Monday, March 28, 2011
Goodbye Flats, HELLO HIGH HEELS!
14 weeks of wearing flats has really gotten old. You know me, I love my high heels. My outfit isn't 'me' unless it's paired with some 4in heels! Well today I went for my final visit with my surgeon. He said everything looks great!! He looked at my xray and said its perfect! Of course I will continue to have aches and pains after being on my feet and while exercising especially these next few months. But he set me FREE! No more visits with him and no more physical therapy. WOOHOO!! (Mom - how about that Margarita night with the girls that we've talked about?!?!) Best news of all - was when I asked (the question that's been on my mind during the entire time I've been off my feet) - "When can I wear high heels again?" His answer - the best news I had heard in a long time - "NOW! (just not everyday all day)" (all I heard was NOW though!) Perfect timing - James Bradford is getting Baptized this Sunday and I did not want to wear some flats - so Ill be breaking out those high heals!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
6 Month Stats
This morning I took James Bradford in for his 6 month check up! Here are his stats:
Weight: 20 lbs, 9 oz - 90th percentile
Height: 26 1/4 inches - 50th percentile
Head Circumference: 17 1/4 inches - 25th percentile
He was checked out and is perfect! He has even starting sitting up on his own. (Whats a trip to the doctor without a picture to document it?! ha!) While we were there he got another round of shots - Boo! But he was strong - of course he cried, but as soon as it was over it was feeding time, so that made him happy.
I had taken him to the Dr. 1.5 weeks ago for a runny nose and cough. They said he was fine when I brought him in. This morning I told the Doctor that he still had a runny nose, cough and congestion. Come to find out he has his 1st ear infection. She wrote us a prescription and sent us on our merry way. We go back in 2 weeks for a follow up visit.
Monday, March 21, 2011
First Trip to the Zoo!
Thursday - I couldn't stop sing this song:
"Mamma's taking us to the zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow, Mamma's taking us to the zoo tomorrow and we can stay all day. We're going to the zoo zoo zoo, how about you you you, you can come too too too, We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo"
If you have a toddler you may of heard this song. They play it all the time on Toddler Radio on Pandora. Well this past Friday we had made plans to meet my sweet friend Katie and her daughter Avery at the zoo for a play date. I was so excited - I couldn't stop singing. Sabrina was even excited - I think it was all the singing and dancing around I was doing. (poor Sabrina - she couldn't come!)
We had our first trip to the zoo! It was crowded (spring breakers) and warm, but it was so fun! But James Bradford preferred watching Avery and the other children over the animals, but it was a fun adventure. We saw lots of fun animals and cant wait to go back!!
After the zoo we went to Gilchrist to cool off for lunch with Miss Katie and Avery. It was so fun catching up with them. Cant wait to spend time with them again soon!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Play Dates
Over the past few days James Bradford has had 2 special play dates - both with boys named James!
Saturday morning we met my friend Sara and her son James (who is 1 week older) at the Park. We set up blankets and put the boys in their bumbo seats and surrounded them with toys. It was such a pretty day - good thing Sara brought the 60 sunscreen!! The boys had a ball playing and James Bradford loved playing with all of James's toys.

Yesterday morning I met my sweet friend Kay at her mom's house. She and her son James (who is 2 weeks older) were in town for a few days from Atlanta. We laid out blankets on the floor and the boys loved looking at each other and even touching each others hands. It was so sweet!! It was so fun watching them interact and getting to see Kay and her sweet family. Its always a treat to see her and her mom and now her sweet baby James.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Half Birthday and Back to Work
It is so hard to believe that he is already 6 months old. He is at such a fun stage and age. I just love spending time with him. He has such a cute personality!
Things that I want to remember:
- He loves to smile and laugh - last night he laughed so hard every time Cory or I would say the word 'sneeze'
- He is now eating food!! So far we have introduced rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peas, apples, and bananas. Surprisingly he loves everything but the bananas!! I'm going to try the bananas again in a few weeks.
- He is sleeping through the night - FABULOUSLY!! He goes down around 7pm and wakes up around 6:30/6:45. Cory says he has the Grinnell morning gene. He wakes up smiling and happy. I usually let him just talk and play in his crib until 7 and when I go in there, he is as happy as can be!
- He is rolling over! He has rolled several times from tummy to back. Although he refuses to perform - even for his daddy. And several times he has rolled from his back to tummy while he is sleeping. (which then he doesn't wake up happy!)
- He LOVES his exaursaucer. He loves to play in it.
- He has 2 bottom teeth coming in!!
- He loves books. Each night before bed we read 3 books - one story from the children's Bible, random book, and we always end with Goodnight Moon. I love that he loves for me to read to him.
- He loves Sabrina! - he loves it when he is playing in his exarsaucer and she comes over and gives him big kisses. He grins from ear to ear.
Last week I took him to get his 6 month picture made. He was such a good boy. I have to brad - the photographer said he was the easiest and happiest 6 month old that he had ever photographed. He then proceeded to offer me a job - prob because of all the singing, sounds, and silly faces I was making to try to get JBH to smile. I loved the result of his pictures. This was may favorite.
Here is another cute shot!
In other news, I started back to work today. After being out on medical leave for 12 weeks, it was extremely hard leaving James Bradford this morning with his Grandma (its Spring Break at Mothers Day Out). I don't see how people do it everyday. Drop them off early morning and then pick them up to put them to bed) Working Moms - I admire you. Stay at Home moms - I admire you too! Staying home is Hard!! I hope and pray that it will work out for me one day to stay home with my baby.
It was nice seeing everyone back at work today. Everyone was glad to see me and I was glad to see them. And of course everyone wanted to see my war wound - there was a lot of scar showing off today! Overall its been a good day back, although I missed my 6 month old baby very much!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Making Music!
These past couple days James Bradford has been feeling under the weather. Runny nose, watery eyes, coughing and sneezing. (all the symptoms of those kids that people bring out of their homes to infect yours!) So he played hooky from Mothers Day Out on Wednesday and today. And I did what any first time, crazy mama would do - take him to the Doctor.
So, today we went to go see our sweet Doctor. (and of course once we get there he has no symptoms! - but I was ok with that!) After being examined, she said he looked "perfect" - that he prob. had a cold or something. She recommended children's Claritin or Zyrtec. Im waiting though to see how he is doing in the morning - he seems to be already feeling so much better! Anyways in other news - He weighed in at 19lbs 8.5oz!
When we go to the Doctor - he loves laying on the paper on the examination table. Here he is 'making music' with his ducky. It was too cute not to post!!
So, today we went to go see our sweet Doctor. (and of course once we get there he has no symptoms! - but I was ok with that!) After being examined, she said he looked "perfect" - that he prob. had a cold or something. She recommended children's Claritin or Zyrtec. Im waiting though to see how he is doing in the morning - he seems to be already feeling so much better! Anyways in other news - He weighed in at 19lbs 8.5oz!
When we go to the Doctor - he loves laying on the paper on the examination table. Here he is 'making music' with his ducky. It was too cute not to post!!
Monday, March 7, 2011
MDO School Picture Day
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Baby Food
I was inspired to make my own baby food. My sister made her own and had a cook book and all the supplies. I looked at it and it seemed easy enough. Plus, since I'm into pinching pennies, I thought I would give it a try.
I love it! Its so much fun! So far we have made sweet potatoes and peas. Do you know how many baby servings you get out of $2 worth of sweet potatoes - 24!!! And $2worth of frozen peas - 36!!! And the servings are good for 2 months in the freezer. Plus I know exactly what James Bradford is eating. So far he has liked both very much. He is such a good eater!
Here is James Bradford helping me make the sweet potatoes. Isn't he a cutie?!
I love it! Its so much fun! So far we have made sweet potatoes and peas. Do you know how many baby servings you get out of $2 worth of sweet potatoes - 24!!! And $2worth of frozen peas - 36!!! And the servings are good for 2 months in the freezer. Plus I know exactly what James Bradford is eating. So far he has liked both very much. He is such a good eater!
Here is James Bradford helping me make the sweet potatoes. Isn't he a cutie?!
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