You would think being cooped up these past few weeks, that I would have more time to blog. Where does the time go?! Well my days go by quickly - my leg is in a continuous motion machine for 6 hours a day - yes you read that correctly 6! I also have in home physical therapy 3 times a week and 24/7 care means lots of visitors! Plus a battery on the computer which doesn't hold charge long - means it must be plugged in - ugh, what a pain!! haha!
Anyways - since my last past where have we been? We have been flooded with love and support from family and friends. Food, Flowers, Cards, Phone calls, Emails, visits - wow how we appreciate them all. Thank you so so much!
On Tuesday when we told family about what had happened, Cory's mother and Nana dropped everything to spend Wed - Sunday in Birmingham taking care of James Bradford. Their help was much appreciated and they even cleaned our house and took down our Christmas tree. It was great that they were here so they could take care of James Bradford while my mommy came to be at the hospital with me. There is nothing like a mommy's love when you need it- and I needed her!
David and Laura also were heading out of town to spend Christmas with Laura's family, so they generously gave up their home for us to stay at. We were unable to go home because of the steps in our house. So we moved into their house!
Christmas was just another day for us. Although it was a white and beautiful Christmas. It was snowing. Although I didn't get to enjoy the snow, Sabrina was able to get out and about in it. Debbie, Nana and James Bradford came over for the day. We had a good day. Layed around most of it, and watched movies, and I got lots of good cuddle time with the baby. It was definitely not how I pictured James Bradford's first Christmas - but it was a memorable one and I look forward to next year being an extra special Christmas for him!

On Wednesday we moved out of David & Laura's house. We still of course couldn't go home because of the stairs. A family friend of my parents - generously offered to let us live in their basement. (little did they know we would actually take them up on that fabulous offer!) So Wednesday we moved in - with the help of two of Cory's close friends that came in from Nashville - Jamie and Robert. It was so nice of them to come down and a special time for Cory to spend with his buddies.

We are know living in a fabulous basement that is bigger then our own home. Its so spacious and is easy for me to get around in the wheel chair. Its great - We all basically have our own room, James Bradford sleeps in the music room, Cory loves the TV room with the comfy leather chairs, and I have the play room where our bed is set up. We are so blessed to have such sweet and generous friends to open up their home to us. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
Good Bye 2010, Hello 2011! And how did we spend our new years - dancing the night away of course! Yeah right, I wish!! I went to bed at 7:30 and Cory wasn't to far behind me. I saw 2011 the following day! And I was fine with that.
2011 though has started great. My sister and nephews arrived first thing Jan 1. They brought a burst of fresh air to my life. Cory got to get some work and house stuff done while Ellen and the boys helped me with James Bradford. It has been so much fun having them here. The boys have been a big help and great entertainment. One day we set James Bradford in the bumbo on the floor and Davis (4) showed off his super cool dance moves. And the cutest thing yesterday - Isaac (2.5), sang him Jesus loves me several times. Oh how the sound of that sweet little voice melted as he sang to my baby at nap time.
And last by not least, most importantly my sweet husband has been a fabulous help. He is such a wonderful husband, daddy and nurse. He has taken on a lot. He has basically become "Mr. Mom". He is now in charge of James Bradford's bedtime routine which includes a bath, feeding him and putting him down, and if he wakes up in the night attending to him. And not just bedtime routine, anything else he needs during the day - bottles, diaper change, clothes change - the whole thing!
He also has been a fabulous nurse. He has taken care of me since the moment he stepped through those emergency room doors. Changing my bandages, helping me pump, bathing me, taking me to the bathroom. Helping me up and down. Reminding me to take my meds, waking up in the middle of the night when I need him - wow he has taken on a lot!

And of course - what an amazing husband - its a miracle he still loves me through all of this. (Just kidding, but really!) He has listened to me cry, complain and yearn for my mommy to be with me. He is helping me keep sain when I think I am going to go crazy. He does it all, husband, friend, daddy, and nurse - I love you Cory!
I am so thankful for the outpouring of love and all the shoulders to lean on. I am forever grateful for all of you. Thank you Thank You!
I'm so glad that you've had so much help and support! I can't imagine how you must be feeling! (But, James Bradford will be able to enjoy next Christmas much more than this one anyway!)