Today was James Bradford's first day at Mother's Day Out.
Last spring we put him on the waiting list to go to the MDO program at our church. We were so blessed to get off the waiting list and him start this January. He will go 3 days a week. Our original plan was that I would drop him off at MDO and my mom would pick him up. And those would be the 3 days that I work. Little did we know this leg thing would happen. But MDO is going to be extremely helpful and give both Cory and my Mom a break from babysitting James Bradford and I.

Mom and I loaded up (I couldn't miss his first day!), and when I say loaded - you really have to load me up with this leg!! We parked close and mom carried James Bradford and I used my walker. It was a lot of of fun to see friends and to meet his teachers. They all seem really sweet! After we dropped him off I was exhausted!! - a 2 hour nap was had (yall know I hate to nap!) - A walker is hard work, I have a new appreciation for people who use them!

I am so proud of our big boy!!
**sorry for the quality of the photos. Bringing my camera was the last thing on my mind, so we settled for shots on the camera phone**
What a cutie! I love the backpack. And Glad that James Bradford did great at MDO, that is one of my biggest fears that Caden wont like daycare.