You may remember this chest of drawers (aka changing table) from the nursery pictures:

Cory decided it needed a new and improved look. I hate I didn't get pictures of all the stages of all of his hard work because it was definitely a labor of love that he poured many hours in the hot heat working on it.
Cory first stripped and sanded the entire thing. Then stained it (numerous coats) and then gave it a couple coats of polyurethane for the beautiful and shiny finish.

And then of course added the rest of the new elephant knobs. Voila - The finished product!

It looks fabulous in the nursery. (Please excuse the glare - still trying to perfect indoor manual mode on the camera!) And this piece of furniture is extra special because it was used as Cory's changing table as a baby. Thank You Cory for all your hard work! I am so thankful for a talented and hard working husband! James Bradford is going to love his new & improved chest of drawers!
Great job!!!