Wednesday is called "Wacky Wednesday" at one of the local thrift stores. The meaning of "Wacky Wednesday" is that all clothes are 50% off. Like anyother thrift store, it's always hit or miss on what you will find, but I like to go in and look at the children's clothing. A friend of mine and I used to go in and look for smocked and boutique clothing and then sell it on ebay. That's how I got my start in looking for clothes for my future children. Anyways, this past Wednesday I had some time to waste before going to my sewing class, so I decided to venture in - after all it was"Wacky Wednesday!" I browsed the children's clothing to see if there was anything cute for James Bradford, but nothing caught my eye. I still had more time to waste so I continued to browse the store - never knowing what kind of "fabulous find" I might find.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted this:

I thought it was so cute. And for $2.49, I couldn't pass it up. I thought to myself, even if it didn't fit - I could use the fabric for something. It's a little short right now with my pregnant belly, so I paired it with a pair of fitted jean capris and high heels and I was ready to go. I also added a ribbon as a belt, so it wouldn't look like a moo moo. I received numerous compliments on it. Little did people know that it was almost a steal!! Once I get back to pre-pregnancy weight though, I think it will make an great dress.
Happy Fabulous Friday! Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!
My fashionable sis! What a great find. :) Next time you wear it, post a pic! I want to see!