Friday, July 30, 2010
Fabulous Friday Finds - Pampers Diaper Deal

Thursday, July 29, 2010
A New & Improved Look

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Almost Pros!
Last night we learned about Recovery after Childbirth, How to Care for an infant (including breastfeeding, bathing, burping, swaddling, diaper changing) and special for the men - "What if feels like to be pregnant" - See Pictures Below:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Peters / Edmunds Wedding
The wedding was at Peachtree Road United Methodist - the church and the ceremony were beautiful. And the bride -absolutely stunning!!
Following the ceremony - we headed over to Druid Hills Country Club. (with a little detour of downtown Atlanta sites - thanks a lot TomTom!!)
The reception was a lot of fun. The band was amazing and the dance floor was full the entire night. Here are some pictures of all the fun!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
32 Weeks & Being Showered!!
It was so fun opening gifts! I was overwhelmed with the amount of gifts and everyone's generosity. Thank You ,Thank You everyone!!
One of the special things about this shower was that instead of guests attaching a card - they were asked to attach a book for James Bradford and sign it. It was so much fun and now James Bradford has a great library!! Plus, all these books are so special with everyones sweet notes. What a fabulous library he already has!!
All the Grinnell Girls!
It was so special to have the whole Hall family together. They came down for the day from Nashville. It was so much fun getting to spend time with them and our precious nephews!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Sewing Projects
In intermediate sewing, your project must consist of sleeves and a collar. Have you ever looked at how many cute patterns there are for projects with sleeves and collars?! Its overwhelming! I decided on this one:

This blue one was the one I actually did in class. Its not 100% finished. I am going to get his name monogrammed on it. The backside is closed with 3 little buttons. My hopes are that this will be one of the outfits James Bradford will wear in the hospital when he meets his family and friends!
Next project is working on one very similar to this white one. But it's going to have the drawstring in the bottom (like the picture on the front of the pattern) and have blue smocking. Hopefully I can remember how to do it all!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Fiesta Time!

One of our other best friends from high school, Christine, came all the way in from Texas! It was so much fun getting to see her and getting to catch up with her. We were just missing the "missing link" from NYC from what we call the "Fab Four" - We missed you Casey!!
Can't have a fiesta without part of a Mariachi band! MLAs for Life!!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
31 weeks & a Nursery!

And of course big sister Sabrina! - I couldn't leave her out. She loves the nursery. We think she knows life is about to change. She is going to be such a great helper though and I know she will be providing James Bradford with lots of kisses and love!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Fabulous Friday Finds - Certificate for One Painted Room
Back up to several months ago. I was working a shift for an organization I am a part of. The kickoff fundraiser party was well underway and I was working the 8-11pm shift at the "auction" - although, this year it wasn't really an auction. They had priced their donated items at "grab and go" pricing. Meaning you pay what they ask for. Well about 10pm there were still a lot of items left and markdowns were beginning to be made and people began bargaining. I had my eye on some things. Specifically this red crystal necklace from a local jewelry store - at the beginning of the night priced at $150 - at about 10:15 / 10:30pm sold for only $30. If only I hadn't been working a shift and had my bargaining game face on - it could of been mine! Ugh, oh well!
As the clock slowly ticked closer to 11pm (close of the party and auction) the crowd was fastly clearing out. At about 10:30 they said make any offers on anything left. Basically at this point most of the people in attendance were only the shift workers. Then at 10:45 there was a big announcement: ANYTHING LEFT THEY WOULD SELL FOR $10! I grabbed the 2 closest items. One: Five 1 hour personal training sessions (can't wait to use this after James Bradford's arrival) Two: 1 Painted Room by _____ Decorating - including all labor and materials.
Yes, you read correctly - $10 for someone to come and paint a room, plus the cost of materials! We couldn't buy the trim paint for $10 (they were originally asking several hundred dollars for this item- remember this was a fundraiser and this item had been donated). I couldn't get over that I would only be paying $10! I of course immediately thought it would be perfect for the nursery.
By far that was the best $10 I had spent in a long time!
Happy Fabulous Friday! Hope you have a great weekend!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Nursery Underway
Over the past couple weeks, Cory has been working on a project of turning some of our walk out attic space into an 'office' - Pictures to come soon. Imagine this though - walking through our bedroom, into my closet ducking through a 4 ft door into attic space. That's where he will be working from, from now on! To put it in the words of Cory - he sent a text message this morning to our friend Jeff that said "Hello from my new command post aka midget purgatory!" His wife Emily called me this morning to tell me about the text this morning and she & I got a good laugh out of it! Anyways, Cory has done a great job with making use of the space- he paneled the walls (doesn't have to look or feel fiberglass insulation anymore), carpeted the floor, and has his entire office set up in there. Overall I haven't been very optimistic about the room, but now I think it just may work and I am so proud of Cory for being so confident that we would make it all work out and he did!
Yesterday we had movers come and move out the rest of the furniture in James Bradford's room. Goodbye Gun Cabinet and Goodbye guest bed. We actually had our first spend the night guests last night with no guest bed. Our friend Jeffrey and his son Price were on their way through town and stayed with us. Not having a guest bed makes me feel like the worst hostess ever!! We made do though. We set them up with some egg crates on the floor with sleeping bags and blankets. If you are planning on making a stay at the Hall household, hopefully we will figure out better accommodations for you before your arrival!
Yesterday morning mom and I ventured down to Benjamin Moore at 6:30am to pick out the paint colors for the nursery. Because the house is still for sale, I wanted to still go with something pretty neutral. So we pulled the beige color from the crib bedding and chose "Sea Urchin" (beige) walls with "White Dove" (white) trim work. I think its going to look perfect! The painter arrived this morning at 7:15 and immediately got to work. And what a nice man he seems to be! I can't wait to get home this afternoon and see the progress.
Pictures to come soon of all of our progress. Sorry for the absence of them today!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Girls Trip 2010
In the past we have always gone to the beach (Jacksonville, Destin, Gulf Shores, Sandestin) This year we decided to go to Lake Lanier, in Georgia, where when of our girls has an incredible lake house.

We arrived Thursday evening and all went to dinner and grocery shopped. We didn't leave the house until Sunday. Friday morning we had a surprise wedding shower for Natalie, who is getting married in September and the rest of the weekend we spent laying out, boating and just hanging out. Oh and one of my favorite things of the weekend - playing "Just Dance" on the Wii. It was so much fun and so relaxing.

Fun on the Lake!
More fun on the lake!
You know you are getting old when your trips have gone from hanging out at bars, talking about boys and the latest drama, cracking your first beer at 9am to talking about breast feeding, discipline, getting in your lounge clothes at 6pm, and watching reality tv and girlie movies.
What a fun time! Can't wait till next year!