This morning I had my 28 week appointment aka the glucose screening test. Cory was unable to attend with me, so my wonderful sister, Ellen, agreed to join me. We had a great morning and it was so fun to be able to spend that time with her. (Thank you Mommy / Grandma for taking care of Davis and Isaac while Ellen was gone)
I swung by and picked up Ellen (she was in Birmingham - not Huntsville) and had a very short visit with the boys and grandma. When I arrived, Davis was reading to Isaac. They were getting ready for a big day at the McWane Science center. Aren't they so cute?!

Then off to the Doctor it was. They brought me right back and of course my number one favorite thing was what we did first - the beloved scale! Oh how I dread it each visit. Then we were brought back to the room where I got to drink this - YUM!!

After the yummy drink - James Bradford started kicking around and Ellen was able to feel him move for the first time. Then we saw Dr. Stradtman. James Bradford is sounding good. We heard his little heartbeat and was measured at 30 weeks! (Wait, I'm only 27 weeks, 3 days!) She said its common for them to measure big at the 28 week checkup. She said he may just be a big boy!! - Which my mom has been guessing he will be the entire pregnancy. (But of course in my mind I'm thinking 30 weeks - that's only 10 weeks away, I'm supposed to have 12.5 more weeks to prepare for him!! haha!)
After seeing the Dr. I had my blood drawn. They should have the results of my glucose screening by this afternoon - so I guess I'm hoping for no phone call!
It was a fun morning with my sister! Thank you Ellen for going with me!! Next appointment is in 2.5 weeks. Woohoo - can't wait to hear James Bradford's little heartbeat again!!
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