James Bradford is growing, growing, growing! At 25 weeks he now measures 13.5 inches long and weighs approx 1.5 lbs! And my uterus is about the size of a soccer ball!!! My weekly email reads that he is the size of a rutabaga. (Why do they relate everything to vegtables?? I'm no vegetable connoisseur so I'm not sure exactly what that is!) Anyways, he is also starting to grow hair. Which really makes me curious of what type of hair is going to have. When I was a baby I was really lacking in the hair department, then when I finally got hair, it was like bleach blond, now I've got more hair then I can just about handle! Also starting this week, he is starting to show preference to either his right or left hand. I'm right handed and Cory's a lefty - so something else for us to ponder about!
James Bradford likes to remind me that he is still there and wants attention. He has been kicking around so much - which I love! I love to feel him moving around - and Cory does too! He has felt him move numerous times now. Its so incredible and miraculous!
Pregnancy has been great! I have been loving it - although I have been very lucky compared to some friends who were sick and not feeling great. Right now I'm trying to do as much as I can, because I hear when the 3rd trimester hits, all the sudden you become really tired - and everyone knows how I love my sleep!! But till then - its still 9pm late nighters for me!
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