I always knew I wanted an iron crib whenever the time would come for us to have a child. When we found out we were expecting in January - I immediately started checking Craigslist daily to see if someone would be listing a used iron crib because I knew they would be much more pricey then I wanted to spend. Days and Days and Weeks and Weeks went by with no luck of finding an Iron Crib. So we went to a baby furniture store and looked around and - Yeah, we were right they were expensive! We didn't order anything, we decided to wait, but had picked one out that we liked.
About a week or so later, I was doing my daily looking and searching on Craigslist and there it was "Bratt Decor Venetian Iron Crib" at half the price of a brand new one. And it had only been used for one baby! (almost new!) I immediately picked up the phone and called Cory and told him to contact the lady. And he did. SOLD! - Sight unseen - exactly what I wanted!
This lady had never listed anything on craigslist before - so she thought we were crazy when we asked to pick it up that night! And she responded that her child needed a few more weeks before he moved to his big boy bed. (What?! - Why would you list it, if your not ready to get rid of it?!) So we had to wait several weeks before picking it up. But we were so excited when we finally had it in our hands.
Right now its being stored at my parents house - along with a lot of other stuff of James Bradford's! With our house on the market, it was just to much to go ahead and move all that stuff to our place. But it was a fabulous find. At less then half the price of a brand new - we were so thrilled with our purchase.
Soon, very soon though - whether we are still in the townhouse or we have moved out - we will have it all set up and ready for James Bradfords arrival in just a few short months!
Happy Fabulous Friday!!
(FYI - obviously, this is a stock photo, Ill be posting pictures of our nursery when we have it all set up)