The boys thought he was so cool. (Sabrina, wasn't to sure about him) We were concerned he may be a snapper, so there wasn't any hands on experience except from the adults. Davis thought we should name him "Mr. Eel" - and that is how he got his name.
After having him secluded to a small box we decided it was time to let him go. So Davis, Ellen and I went on an adventure of letting Mr. Eel go back to all his wild life friends.
We decided we would like to see him swim, so we put him on the stairs leading into the lake. We waited and waited for him to come out of his shell. He finally came out! And he slowly jumped off the back of the stair, into the water.
We watched him start swimming, but we then realized he went right for the seawall and there was no land in sight for him! And it looked like he wanted out! What if he couldn't get out because he couldn't find where the seawall ended?! What if he drowned?! So we decided to rescue him again.
So we scooped Mr. Eel up out of the water and carried him over to the end of our neighbors seawall, where there was both water and land. We put him partially on water and partially on land so we could see what he preferred. We weren't sure which way he would go.
So we waited patiently for him to come out of his shell. We think he must of been scared. He had Sabrina splashing around in the water and he had just been snatched up in a net and dropped in the lake again -No wonder he didn't want to come out!! We continued to wait.
Davis was so patient! He even got a little bit of fishing in while we waited. We waited and waited. We almost gave up on Mr. Eel coming out of his shell! Then finally...
He popped his head out of his shell and started swimming off. He chose the water! We think he must of been going to make some new friends. What a fun adventure we had with Mr. Eel! Davis is so fun and imaginative. These little imaginations make like so much fun!
Now I understand all of the pictures I looked at yesterday : ) !!! What a fun adventure!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Davis on that bike! He is getting too old too fast!!!