We had so much fun visiting with him. We went to dinner and just hung out. And the boys stayed up late catching up. Next time we hope to get the rest of his sweet family down. We missed you Kim & Aiden! - Thanks for letting us steal him for a night!
This morning I had my 24 week check up and I started Dr. rotations this week, so I met with one of the Drs for the first time. (they do this just in case I go into labor and my Dr. isn't on call - at least I have met all the Drs in the practice and not having some stranger deliver my baby) James Bradford is doing fantastic! Her guess is that he is going to weigh between 7 and 8 pounds and come early. (which we aren't surprised at all, we have thought from the beginning that the date was about a week off - and that's exactly what I am measuring - a week ahead) It was so much fun to hear his little heart beat and such a relief to know he is doing so well.
Don't come too early, precious James Bradford : ) !!! Grandma loves you xoxoxo