Dear James Bradford,
It is so hard to believe that today is your 1st birthday! This past year has flown. It is so late and I can't stop thinking about 1 year ago today. I just watched your BIRTH VIDEO . You still make me smile and always will. We never knew we could love someone/something so much. You bring so much happiness and joy to our family. We prayed for you before you were born and we continue to pray for you daily - you are such a blessing, thank you for being you! Thank you for all your smiles and your laughter. Thank you for all your hugs, snuggles and kisses! I can't imagine life without you!
Over the course of the year you have grown and changed so much. You are so cute and your little personality is shining through. You are such a happy baby. You love music (your such a cute dancer!) and dogs. One of your favorite things to do is to feed Sabrina - throwing her food from your high chair, handing her your cracker, swiping your puffs off the coffee table and even running over to her bowl as soon as your hear us pouring her food. She loves you so much too!
Your are such a fabulous sleeper. You sleep from 7pm - 6:30am and then about 3 1/2 - 4 hrs during the day. Every night I come in and look at you in your crib and just stare at you - sometimes I sing to you, sometimes I pray and sometimes I just admire you and tell you I love you. Occasionally during nap time I find myself, watching the monitor and just waiting for you to wake up. And when you do wake up and we come in, you are so happy and smiling at us, while you hold your blanket.
You hate wearing anything on your head and you hate bibs. You try so hard to pull your bib off at meals and most of the time you accomplish pulling them off! You are such a good eater. Right now you still have only mostly eaten fruits and veggies. You have tried plain pasta, but you don't seem to really be a fan. Your favorite foods are bananas, mango, watermelon, corn and sweet potato. You love trying to use a fork and spoon and you are successful a lot! We have cut out most baby food, but occasionally you still like for us to feed you - especially apple sauce
You love climbing. You have conquered going up the stairs - thankfully you haven't tried going down them! But we are trying teach you the correct way to go down. You also love climbing on the hearth of the fire place, although it's a no no. It's dangerous and we don't want you to fall. I know it is very tempting though! And you love helping me with the dishes. You climb up on the dishwasher door and take things out and play while I load and unload.
You love the water! You love swimming, the water table, bath time and even the dog's water! Everyday you somehow love to surprise me by dumping Sabrina's water bowl over! And you are so cute - you always say "Ohh" Bath time is one of your favorite times of day. You love playing in the bath and even pulling the plug!! 

Our lives have been changed forever because of you. We are so lucky and blessed to have you. We love you so much James Bradford. Happy 1st Birthday!!
Love, Mommy & Daddy
PS - I cant wait for wake up time to get here! We are going to have such a fun day. We are playing hooky from school (part of the reason is you have a runny nose) and going to the zoo and going to ride the train for the first time!! Plus you have presents to open!! (one of the reasons, Im up so late - I had to finish a special one for you!) Then we have all of our family and friends coming over to celebrate on Sunday - Woohoo! What a fun birthday weekend it will be!!
We love you James Bradford!! Happy happy birthday to the sweetest 1 year old I know! Can't wait to see you on Sunday!!
Aunt Ellen, Uncle Dan, Davis and Isaac too :)