I would always get so frustrated with people when they wouldn't update their blog - now I am one of those and now I completely understand why and how easy it is to neglect the blogging world. So I apologize for my frustration before!!
But I'm here and I'm back. Hoping finding blogging time will get easier once I go back to work.
So what have we been up to - here is a quick (but long) overview:
Friday September 24 -
DeDe and Nanna come for a visit! DeDe and Nanna came for the day. It was great getting to spend time with them. And it was a special treat for James Bradford - because it meant no naps in the crib - he was held the entire day/evening. DeDe was a HUGE help. She cleaned the house and did laundry - while i relaxed and rested. Thank You!!

Saturday September 25 -
Bama v Arkansas game - Wow that was a close one! Emily and Jeff came over to watch the game with us. It was so much fun. And James Bradford loved "tailgating". We set up the tent outside and smoked chicken on the smoker. The game was close. If James Bradford could sleep through all that screaming - he will be able to sleep through anything! Emily and Jeff were a huge help. I was exhausted, so I took a rest after the game while they helped Cory with the baby and cleaned up. Wow, am I spoiled!
Saturday October 2 -
Found the best nap aid - a car ride on the interstate. James Bradford was having a rough day. We were lacking in the nap area of life and were fussy. I finally decided to put him in the car and just drive. Once getting on the interstate, he fell asleep. It was then I realized that the interstate really is a great nap aid. I drove for about 2 hours and he loved it (and mommy did too!)
Bama v Flordia - Our friends Lisa and Chris came over to watch the game. It was a lot of fun and a big win for Bama. James Bradford enjoyed the special attention he received from them. Earlier in the day we took some pictures of him in his National Championship Onesie. He loved the shaker - he actually wanted to eat it!

Monday October 4
First Bottle - James Bradford seems hungry still after feedings. Luckily I have been pumping - trying to build up my "work and play supply" So we decided to try the bottle out. Cory gave him his first bottle and he loved it and he was such a happy little guy. Plus I think Cory enjoyed giving it to him. I was a little sad, but we were going to have to introduce the bottle soon anyways, as it is nearing time for me to go back to work.
Tuesday October 5
James Bradford had been fussy for a couple of days. I was concerned something was wrong with him. So my mom and I took him to the pediatrician. Come to find out - nothing really wrong - he is just going through a growth spurt and was hungry and needing to eat more. We have been working on Baby Wise schedule - eating every 3 hours. Now our feeding schedule is more like every 2 - 2.5 hours. But he is doing great! I'm so proud of him, and especially of his night time schedule.

Photo Shoot - I was so excited to get some new born pics of James Bradford. We had so much fun playing with the camera. James Bradford was so cooperative and I was so proud of him!

Wednesday October 6
Happy Anniversary Grandma & Gramps!! Today my parents celebrated their 38th Wedding Anniversary. Thank you Mommy and Daddy for being such loving parents and for loving each other and showing us the true meaning of what a marriage should be like. We are so blessed to have you as role models for our marriage.

Play day at Tricia's - Ellen and the boys came in for a play date with some of her friends from our high school youth group. Mom, James Bradford and I dropped in to visit. It was so much fun! Lots of kiddos (8) playing and hanging out while all the mommies caught up on life.
Thursday October 7
First trip to Baxley Dillard - we had such a fun morning. We went to my office to visit my co workers. Everyone loved seeing him and getting to hold him. Wow - maternity leave has flown by!
Friday October 8 - Sunday October 10
Bama v South Carolina - Cory goes to South Carolina to seem Bama play. We were hoping for a big win, but unfortunately Bama lost. We were sad, but Cory had a great time at the game (can't beat free tickets too!) and enjoyed spending time with his friends.
With Cory out of town, James Bradford, Sabrina and I took this opportunity to head to the lake with Grandma and Gramps. His first trip to the lake and he did great! He was a great traveler. We just had a relaxing weekend. Best of all, I got to catch up on some sleep - thanks to Super Grandma! Fun and relaxation was had by all. Can't wait for our next trip out there - although it probably won't be until Thanksgiving, but it will be so much fun!!

Today, Tuesday October 11 -
Happy 4 week Birthday Baby!!
First trip to Huntsville - James Bradford, Sabrina and I went on an adventure today. We packed up this morning and headed to Huntsville for the day to visit with Aunt Ellen, Davis & Isaac. James Bradford was a great traveler and slept majority of the trip there and back. We had such a fun visit. Davis & Isaac were so excited to see their cousin. They sang and read to him and entertained him. James Bradford's personality is shining through and he is smiling a lot. It was such a fun day!
So that's what you've been doing...huh!?
ReplyDeleteSo good to read what's been going on and can't wait to see you tomorrow night!