Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 20, 2010

James Bradford's Birth Story

Monday September 13, 2010
I walked into work and everyone was so surprised to see me. Everyone thought for sure that James Bradford was going to make his arrival that weekend. But sure enough - 8:30am Monday morning rolled around and I was back into the daily grind at work.

Quitting time rolled around and I was headed home. Cory and I had no plans that evening - we ate dinner at home, and I ran out to run some errands. I was in need of blue ribbon for our mailbox bow - the last minute thought of thing I needed before James Bradford's arrival. So Sabrina and I took a car ride out to Joann Fabrics. No sign of baby (yet!), but needed to make sure that bow was complete and ready for the mailbox.

I headed to bed around 9:30pm. At about 10:30pm - I woke up needing to go to the bathroom. After using the bathroom there was a gush. I immediately yelled down to Cory and had him come upstairs and told him I think my water broke. I had him look at it - he was like "I don't know!" So I immediately went downstairs and googled it. There is so much information on the internet! After everything I read, I still wasn't 100% sure, it was broken. I wasn't having any pain at all. Just in case, I finished packing the last minute things we needed and cleaned up the house. I started having cramps aka contractions. They weren't painful though. Cory and I began timing them and they were consistently between 3 and 4 minutes. So I called the Dr. on call. She said to head to the hospital. We took our time, I took a shower while Cory packed the car. We jumped in the car, called my mom and headed to the hospital
Tuesday September 14, 2010
We arrived at the hospital around 1am. After being admitted, they examined me. They were unable to tell if my water had broken, and I was still only 60% effaced and 2 cm dilated (same as it was at my last appointment) I felt so dumb - false labor! I thought for sure they were sending us home. The nursing staff decided to keep me until the Dr. arrived between 6:30 and 7am. She told us to get some rest and we would just see what happened in the morning.

As the night progressed my contractions got stronger, closer and painful. I got some pain medication. They checked me again at 3am - no change. UGH!, I couldn't believe it!

At 5am they checked me again. 5 cm dilated and in excruciating pain. They went ahead and called in the Dr. on call. (Did you know you can't have an epidural, until the Dr. is at the hospital?! - I learned this) I felt like I turned into a totally different person waiting on that Dr. to arrive!!

Finally the Dr. arrived (not sure, and didn't care what time it was!) I finally got the epidural at 8.5cm dilated!! Wow - relief! To all you that gave birth without an epidural (Ellen did it twice!), I admire you! They finally confirmed that my water had broken earlier in the night. (Good! - Now I didn't feel so dumb!)

I was so happy to see my Dr. walk in. I wanted her so badly to deliver my baby. I have known her for years and she goes to church with us.

Around 7:15 we were told it was about time to start pushing and that James Bradford would be here soon. James Bradford was not a fan of the contractions, and his heart rate would drop each time I pushed. They decided they needed to use a vacuum suction. My heart was racing hearing that. A million things racing through my mind - I just kept praying for God to keep him safe and let the rest of the delivery go smoothly.

James Bradford's first picture with our sweet Doctor, Dr. Cecilia Stradtman.

8:20 am - A perfect baby boy was born. - 6 pounds, 9 ounces and 20.5 inches long. They immediately handed him to me, and let me have 30 minutes of kangaroo / skin to skin time with him before they cleaned him up and checked him all out.

James Bradford's first picture with his Daddy.

My first picture with James Bradford. Already in love with him!!

I was in awe of what a blessing God had given Cory and I. What a miracle life is!

Us with our sweet labor & delivery nurse, Beth. She was amazing!

"Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the heavenly lights . . ." James 1:17


  1. Awww!!! LOVE this!! I've been checking back every day waiting for the birth story post!!! Dr. Stradtman's my doctor, too--she's so great! I'm so excited James Bradford is here and is safe and healthy!! Can't wait to meet him!!

  2. What a great story! You had a pretty quick labor!!! And, it all sounded so smooth (though I'm sure it probably didn't seem that way at the time for you!). I didn't get my epidural until very late in the process as well and it only numbed my left leg - a lot of good that did! I'm so glad to hear yours took! The pictures are fantastic. I love that you got one of him immediately after he came into the world - and the one of the "kangaroo time." Great story, thanks for sharing! So happy for you and your new little family!
