I cant believe my sweet baby boy was 7 months old yesterday!! Happy 7 month Birthday James Bradford. (only 5 more months until you are 1 - Mommy and Daddy better start thinking about the big party!!)
James Bradford is (still) a fabulous sleeper. He goes to bed at 7 and wakes up between 6:30 and 7am. He wakes up so happy!! He is always so excited when we get him up in the morning.
He reaches!! He reaches to be held or picked up - and even reaches out for Sabrina. (he loves all dogs!) He first reached for Cory then the following day he reached for me. My heart melted!
He has two teeth!! - and the poor thing is teething. Ouch - Thank you to Orajel and Tylenol!! - What would I do without you!?!
He is now eating Puffs! We gave him puffs for the first time this past Saturday. He loves them (Sweet Potato flavor of course - he loves sweet potatos!) and they are great for keeping him happy when away from home. He loves to pick them up but he hasn't grasped how to put them in his mouth yet! So we help him!!
He is wearing 12 month clothes already! And is wearing size 3 diapers!
He is such a happy baby. The happiest baby I know. Only time he really is sad is when hes tired, hungry and not feeling well.
He loves to jump in the jumper! Sometimes he thinks he should be jumping in the exersaucer! We have the jumper hanging in the only doorway that works in our house - the one between the dining room and foyer. It works out perfect - in the evenings we feed him dinner, then put him in the jumper. He jumps while I Cory and I eat.
His two new favorite foods - Zucchini and Butternut Squash - YUM! I am still making his food. It's fun and he loves to sit in his bumbo on the counter and watch me. I have to use the food processor outside though - makes way to much noise!
He loves to read. Every night before bed, we read three books. I love that he loves to read!! And he loves Bible Stories! On a side note - Yesterday our Church hosted our annual Spring Fling and
Sally Lloyd Jones was the speaker. She is the author of the Jesus Story Book Bible. Aunt Ellen and Uncle Dan gave him that book for his Baptism and he loves it, but we can only do a couple pages at a time because the pages are so long. We try to get in at least a couple pages a day - before he starts trying to turn aka rip the pages and eat them! His Grandma JoJo (Mrs Davis - who we lived with when I had my broken leg) got him the Baby's Hug-A-Bible (also written by Sally Lloyd Jones) and gave it to him yesterday. It is a board book and the outside of it is covered in fleece. The pages are shorter and has more illustrations - he loves it too! Since yesterday, we have already read it 3 times!! Her books are amazing - and she is a great speaker too!!
He is a flipper flopper. At night when he is sleeping he flips back and forth between his back and stomach. You never know what position he will be in when you look at him on the monitor.
Happy 7 Month Birthday James Bradford!! You light up our life and bring us so much fun, laughter and joy! We love you!!