Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sleep Training Set Back

**This post was written via iphone and while on medication in the middle of the night - no spell check was used and grammar is awful! I have been advised note to change anything as it makes for future reading humorous!! haha**

Well we have run into a bit of a sleeptraing setback! Just when we were making great progression - a kink was thrown into our plan.

It was just another day at work on tuesday - rather slow though because of it being Christmas week. At about 3:45 I decided to go upstairs and pump. I went in the roomm, grabbed my pump and was sbout half way down the stairs when suddenly I tripped and bamm I was smashed against the stucco wall and was immediately screaming for help. Within seconds I was surrounded by everyone in the hospital and an ambulance was on it's way. I was unable to get and could not move my right leg at all. I was so scared,

I was surrounded by all my sweet coworkers as the brought me water , paper towels to wipe tfe tears and the blood away.they were all so sweet and encouraging - reassuring me that help was on the way and everything was going ok.

The ambulance arrived and whisked me way in the ambulabce. Joe, one of my coworkers accompanied me fir my first ride in an ambulance. On arrival at the emergency room, Cory was waiting for me although he was not able to come to my room utility all paperwork had been completed and I was admitted to the hospital. After the longest 20 minted of my life, I finally got to get lots if hugs and encouragement from my sweet husband.

During the 4.5 hors we did alot of waiting and and people watching. I had a set of X-rays done which showed I had broken my leg in 2 places close to my right knee cap. They wanted a closer look at the fractures so they ordered a CT scan.

Between X-rays and the ct scan I was able to pump. I was so upset another possibility of not seeing my precious baby and not being able to Nurse him.

CT scan - done! There was not an orthopedist on site so they were emailed to him for him to view. He spock with ou ER doctor and told him that he couldn't get a close enough look at them and that he would discuss with us the results first thing in the morning. I balled crying - I dint want to spend the night at the hospital, I wanted to be home with my baby.

We were moved to a room and my sweet mama came up to the hospital to comfort me whil Cory ran home to get some things for us. It was an extremely rough night accompanied by no sleep and a lot of pain medicine - it was finally almost morning.

The orthopedist came in and discussed with us my fractures and that if the crack is 1-2 mm surgery would not be necessay BUT my crack was 3-4 mm so surgery was going to be a must and I wouldn't be able to put any weight on it for 8-10 weeks. I was devastated! Howxsm I suppose to be able to take of James Bradford if I can't carry him around and if I can't drive?!

After we meeting with the dr. - my sweet and precious James Bradford came up to my room with my mom until they took me back for surgery.

I was in surgery for about 2 hours and came out just fine - exhausted of course tough. Cory, james brafmdford my daddy, my mommy and my sweet sisterinlaw were all in my room. I was so so glad to see all of them - although I really can't remember it!

I am so thankful for all the thoughts and prayers. And so blessed to have family and friends that love me and will drop everything to help us and the baby. Debbie and nana drove in yesterday to take care of James Bradford. Mommy and aunt Laura had been taking Carr if him prior to their arrival.
Thank you, thank everyone for everything y'all have been doing and will be doing'z

Pleas continue to pray for me. Here are some specific requests of mine:
1- fast and speedy recovery
2- patience - both physical and mental ( this had already been an emotional rollarcoaster for me)
3- understanding - I know God has a perfect plan, but why Lord?! Why now with a 3 month old?
4- that I will let others do things for. I am very independent - I would much rather get up and do whatever for myself then have others serve mr and be reliant on others.
5- lactation. I am still nursing James Bradford - planned to nurse him for a year. I began having to supplement some do that may of been a set back and now this. I will be having to be pumping and dumping as there is morphine and all sorts of other medicines in my system.

Thank you for all your prayers, love and support.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sleep Training 101

It's that time - we are in Sleep Training mode at the Hall house.
I got inspired Saturday evening - I was feeding James Bradford and looking at facebook (what would I do without an iPhone?!) when I read one of my friend's status's about her sleep training her daughter. I thought to myself - I really need to do that. James Bradford will not sleep in his crib unless he has been rocked to sleep and a lot of times fallen asleep while I am nursing him. Which makes it almost impossible for anyone else but me to put him down for the night.

Cory was out of town, Mothers Day Out starts in a couple weeks, we really need a schedule - so I did it. I started Saturday night! It was hard - I hated hearing him cry, but once he was out, he slept great.

Last night was night 3 of sleep training. He is doing so well and every night drastically shaving minutes off of his crying time. Last night he only cried for 9 minutes! I am so thankful that Cory is on board for this sleep training adventure!

The hardest part of it all is the naps during the day. That is when he cries the longest. Luckily my mom is on board - so she is letting him "cry it out" when she keeps him. I know it will get better as the days go by and again each nap he is cutting his time down.

Hopefully we can keep up our training and he will continue to improve. We are heading to Nashville for the Christmas Holidays, so it will be harder to let him "Cry it out" as we won't want to disturb the rest of the family. But we are going to do our best to continue down the right path. - Eventually he will be able to be just put down without rocking or crying! Woohoo!

I have to say though - these past few days have been great - I have actually been waking up in my own bed - rather then the chair in the nursery and this morning I even got a shower before work! I feel so good about what we are doing for James Bradford, although it is extremely difficult to hear him cry.
Thank you for all of you that have been encouraging me. It really helps!!

(PS the above picture is of James Bradford at 7:55 Monday morning. If you can believe it - I actually had to wake him up!!!)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Luncheon with the Ladies

Hey, it's me - James Bradford! Just wanted to share with you a special thing I got to do with my Grandma yesterday. Every year her and 2 of her closest friends get together for a Christmas celebration brunch. And this year - I got to go!! It was so much fun. I loved getting love from Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Williamson! They are such sweet ladies. And they even let me be their centerpiece on the table while they ate. Here are 2 pictures that Mrs. C took of me and texted to my mommy.

I was busy talking with the ladies - you know, chimming in during their girl talk!

Here I am - as their beautiful centerpiece!!

Thanks Grandma for letting me come to yalls special luncheon and thank you ladies for such fun time. Hope to do it again soon!! Thanks for all the love and kisses!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

3 Months

Yesterday James Bradford turned 3 months. I haven't had time to take a picture in his 'monthly spot' so this picture will do for now. Ill take a picture in his chair hopefully tomorrow and get it posted. This picture is from yesterday when Grandma brought him up to my office for his daily nursing visit.
Its so hard to believe that is already a quarter of a year old. Everyone said time would fly, but I didn't realize it would go by so fast. He is getting to be such a big boy.

Things I want to remember about him at this stage in life:
- he loves to talk aka coo especially first thing in the morning and right before bed time
- he has such a sweet smile and it grows so big when you sing to him
- he acts like he is going to start rolling over soon!! (and boy am I paranoid when changing him and putting him on the coach or bed!)
- he is so strong - he is so good at holding his head up - he even had his first experience in the Bumbo and did so well!
- he loves his bath time - and he likes to splash!!
- he is falling right into his routine and sleeps like a pro (really just recently during the night - last night he slept from 9pm - 5am!! Woohoo!!
- He likes to suck on his finger and thumb at the same time - which I just think is adorable
- He recognizes mine, Cory's and Grandma's voice
- He loves to stand in your lap, he would much rather stand or sit up then
- He loves hanging out just in his diaper after his bath

Here are a few pictures from the other night. We had Aunt Lisa & Uncle Chris over to watch Christmas Vacation and eat Chili. So James Bradford got dressed for the occasion!!

Hanging with Daddy!

First time in Bumbo!!

Sucking my fingers while I get some love from Aunt Lisa.
And just for a fun - another picture from James Bradford's visit to the office yesterday.

Here we are squeezed in the corner of the storage closet. Hes adorable - even with a little spit up!! Happy 3 Month Birthday James Bradford. We love you!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cute Sleep

So Ive become obsessed with taking pictures of James Bradford and that includes picture of him sleeping! He's just so cute and cracks me up how he sleeps sometimes! Of course I don't take any while he is sleeping in his crib, I am to scared of interrupt "that" sleep - I cherish his crib sleeping time. I don't know why, he's so good at going down at night in the crib, but napping during the day in the crib is much harder. He prefers his swing, car seat and arms. Operation breaking him of this habit, is hopefully going to happen this week!

Here are some recent pictures of him sleeping - Enjoy!

Sleeping on our way home from getting our Christmas Tree

Napping in this Little Lamb Swing.

Napping in Mommy's arms.
He has been doing so well sleeping at night. He has been waking up between 4-5am. This is what he looked like on the monitor after I put him back down to bed. Cracks me up!

He fights sleep so much. He turns his head back and forth until he finally falls asleep. This was taken yesterday morning before church while taking nap 1. His bib looks like a super hero cape! He's his mommy's super hero!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Flying with Pops

Cory's dad aka Pops came for a visit. He arrived last Wednesday from Texas and left this past Monday. James Bradford had such a fun time with him and I very much appreciated his help around the house and with the baby.
Pops and James Bradford had some bonding time - which including flying! This flight, right before bed one night, was one of many. James Bradford loved getting to Fly with Pops!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Big Boy Bath

This week we had a big change . . .

James Bradford is now using his big boy bath!!! And he loves it!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree . . .

This past Sunday we got our Christmas Tree after church. It was great - we went to Big Church aka the 11 o'clock church service and then headed to get our tree from Lowes. Eddie, Cory's dad, was in town - so he sat in the car with James Bradford while Cory and I ran in and picked out our tree. We found the perfect one right away - the first one we looked at - SOLD! A nice gentleman took it out for us and tied it to the car for us - as Cory and Eddie were in their "Sunday Best".
That afternoon, while I was nursing James Bradford, Cory and his dad got the tree set up and even had all the lights on it. Then the fun began - playing Christmas music and trimming the tree with all our special ornaments. Here are some pictures after all the tree was all decorated.

James Bradford loved the lights and he enjoyed sitting in his bouncy seat while we decorated. It was such a fun afternoon!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pushed and Now Pampered!

Saturday I spent majority of my day at the Spa. For my "push present", my sweet husband gave me a beautiful necklace and a gift certificate for a day at Santa Fe Day Spa.

Well almost 12 weeks later, I finally decided to cash in my day at the spa!

My appointment was at 10, but I was told to arrive early to robe and use the amenities. I did just that, I arrived and was greeted with a long white comfy robe and slippers. After changing I relaxed for a few in the sauna.

At 10, my masseuse came in and got me for my hour massage, which was followed by a facial, lunch, then a manicure and pedicure. Wow - it was a fabulous! The massage was much needed as I started working out with a trainer this past week, and I was so sore earlier in the week - to the point of I could barely walk and didn't trust myself to carry the baby up and down the stairs!! I enjoyed the facial, although it left my face smooth but a little sore and the pedicure and manicure were phenomenal.
Can I make this an every Saturday affair?!?!

Everyone was so nice and I felt like loyalty. - Being offered champagne and wine by every person who tended to me.

While eating lunch - I was over listening (one of the things I do best) to the ladies behind the bar in the cafe (they were probably in their early 20s) talking about their night out the night before. They were talking about going to the club. I felt so old - and had to laugh inside as the club they were talking about was a club that some friends and I couldn't wait to go to when we turned 18 in high school. And we thought we were so cool when we finally got to go, although we usually had to be home by midnight and you know the club ain't 'jumpin, jumpin' at that hour. Anyways, so I sat there and enjoyed hearing the run down of each of their evenings - and reminiscing in my head of all the hilarious and immature memories of my experience. It was fun thinking about the memories, but it also made me so appreciative of the stage of life I am at! I am so thankful to be out of the singles scene and to be married and have a beautiful baby.

Thank you Cory for such a fun and relaxing day! And thank you to you and your dad for playing with James Bradford and keeping him on his schedule while I was gone. I was so impressed!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving / Merry Christmas!!!

Last week was Thanksgiving. (Post = better late then never) Our little family has so much to be thankful for! God has truly blessed us in so many ways, and I take it all for granted so often. This year reflecting on what I am most thankful for would be the gift of life - my precious James Bradford. This time last year we were hoping and praying that God would let us have a baby if it was his will, and he awnswered that prayer! I am so thankful for my sweet James Bradford. And of course for lots of other things - generous husband, loving and supportive family, employment, and I can't forget my precious four legged daughter Sabrina (although she has been put on the back burner recently)
So Thank You, Thank You Lord for all the many blessings in my life. Especially these two sweet boys pictured above! You have given me so much to be thankful for.

This year was my family's year for Thanksgiving, meaning this year is Cory's family's year for Christmas. So we decided to have "Thanks-Mas" this year. We celebrated Thanksgiving Thursday and Christmas on Friday! It was so much fun - all of us being together.
Wednesday night we all arrived at the Lake. The house was all decorated for Christmas!!
And that night, much to our surprise, Ellen and Dan announced they are having another baby!!! The third Brooks Baby is due the first week in July. We are all so excited!! Davis and Isaac are so excited about the baby who they want to name "Honey." And we are so excited that James Bradford will have another cousin.

Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving. Cory cooked a yummy breakfast brunch for everyone. He made the works - Eggs, Biscuits, Gravy, Sausage, Bacon and French Toast. YUM!! We had our big traditional Thanksgiving meal at dinner Its so much fun, because we all make our favorite things for the meal. Mom cooks the turkey and some of her favorite sides, and then we all brought 2 or 3 sides / desserts to add to the meal. Its a great fun and easy way to have a fabulous meal. Everything was delicious!! Oh and we had the most beautiful table decorations - James Bradford was the star - he sat in the middle of the table, while we all feasted!
When we woke up Sunday morning - Santa had come!

Every year mom tells us, don't get to excited, but every year the presents are piled high under the tree. I love the way our family does Christmas. I can't handle the free for all, everyone grabbing and ripping open presents. We do Christmas in rounds - starting oldest to youngest each opening a gift and everyone watching. It makes Christmas last and its so fun to see everyone opening that special gift that you picked out for them. We usually take a break half way through for mom's traditional Christmas Breakfast - but this year, we went straight through. Us big kids drew names this year, which made it go a little faster. The boys were so patient, oh and oh so cute. Ellen got Davis, Isaac and James Bradford all matching Snowman PJs to wear. They were all so cute.
One of our favorite gifts we received was from Uncle David and Aunt Laura. A Radio Flyer red wagon. James Bradford already loves it, and so does his cousins. Aren't they cute?!
On Saturday we had a big family bonfire - we roasted marshmallows, cooked hot dogs and listened to Christmas music. It was so much fun.

It was such a fun and happy Merry Christmas at the Grinnells!